Central Goldfields Shire Council is committed to working in partnership with the community to
encourage, develop, and support community-based organisations.
The Community Grants Program is an opportunity for community organisations to apply to Council for funding to support the wide range of recreational, cultural, social and economic initiatives that they undertake. These initiatives make a positive contribution to the Central Goldfields Shire and contribute to the health and wellbeing of the community.
Council is committed to funding projects that align with Council’s strategic objectives and policy outcomes. Applicants are encouraged to read our Community Vision 2031, Council Plan 2021-2025 and other relevant strategies and plans available on our website prior to applying.
The Community Grants Program is informed by the Council’s Community Support Policy which outlines a consistent, accountable, and transparent process to determine the nature and level of support provided to the community through the program.
Grants from $500 to a maximum of $3,000 are available to a wide range of community-based organisations to run projects and events. Individuals are not eligible to apply for Community Grants.
Timeline 2024-2025:

To be eligible to apply for a Community Grant you must be a community-based organisation and submit a completed online application form in accordance with the relevant timeframes.
Typically, a community-based organisation is an organisation that is a recognised not- for-profit group or organisation that carries out one or more of the following activities:
Typically, a community-based organisation would not include:
- A political organisation;
- A profit-making organisation;
- Schools or tertiary institutions (excluding parents and friends’ groups);
- State or Federal government agencies and departments;
- Any organisation where more than 50% of its income is derived from any State or Federal government program.
The following are not eligible:
- Applications from individuals;
- Applications where funding for projects is being requested retrospectively;
- Applicants with an overdue acquittal for Central Goldfields Shire Council funding;
- Applicants receiving funding from Central Goldfields Shire Council for the same project;
- Applicants who do not support diversity, tolerance, and inclusion within the community.
All applicants must:
- Have discussed their application with a Council officer prior to applying;
- Have no outstanding legal matters or unresolved debts with Council;
- Have no unresolved action concerning a notice or order related to planning, building or environmental health issue;
- Have met all acquittal requirements of any other previous funding by Council;
- Adhere to any relevant legislation and be in accordance with Council statutory requirements, relevant building codes and heritage guidelines.
All applications must be for projects that are based in the Central Goldfields Shire and benefit the Central Goldfields Shire community.
Council welcomes applications for projects and activities that align with identified Council objectives and fall within our four funding streams:
Community Development
These projects would typically be those that increase social capital, accessibility, and inclusion.
These types of projects may include:
- New programs to increase participation
- Capacity building initiatives within organisations
- Delivery of events
- Business cases for new initiatives
Creativity and Innovation
These projects would typically be those that support creativity, artistic expression, use of technology to provide services.
These types of projects may include:
- Community arts projects and initiatives
- Projects promoting the use of new technologies in the community
- Innovative creative education programs
- Incubators or pop-up solutions
- Delivery of events
Physical Infrastructure
These projects would typically be those that support community organisations in relation to facility development and acquisition of equipment.
These types of projects may include:
- Building improvements that improve accessibility and amenity
- New equipment for programs
- Design or preparation work to inform physical infrastructure decision making
Climate Action
These projects would typically be those that focus on community efforts to address the impacts of climate change and support the implementation of the Central Goldfields Climate Action Plan 2022-2030(PDF, 4MB).
These types of projects may include:
- Reducing carbon emissions
- Supporting communities to adapt to a changing climate
- Supporting community connection and mental resilience in a changing climate
- Supporting resilient ecosystems in a changing climate
Council also encourages applications for projects and activities that:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
- Migrant and refugee communities
- People with disability
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and gender diverse, Intersex, Queer, Asexual and Aromantic communities (LGBTIQA+)
- Women
- Youth
- Seniors
- Consider their environmental impact and try to minimise it where possible.
- Improve community health and wellbeing through activities that support or encourage:
- Healthy eating
- Exercise and physical activity
- Social connection
- Actively address/aim to reduce the known health and wellbeing harms to community caused by:
- Alcohol and other drug use
- Tobacco use and vaping
- Problem gambling
What will not be funded?
Projects, events and activities that:
- Seek funding to cover ongoing operational costs (e.g. insurance, utilities, rent, salaries);
- Do not reflect widely held community standards
- Are the responsibility of the State or Federal Government
- Are already underway or have been completed
- Fall outside the program timelines
All potential applicants must contact a council officer to discuss their project idea before preparing their grant application.
Applications that have not been discussed prior to submission will not be assessed. Relevant contacts across the four categories are:
Creativity and Innovation:
Application guidelines
- Applications are to be submitted via the online application portal and include all supporting documentation.
- If you are having trouble completing the application online, please contact a council officer for assistance. Please contact Audrey Bartlett (listed above under General Enquiries) to arrange an appointment.
- All supporting documentation must be submitted in Word, JPEG or PDF formats.
- Quotes for project costs must be supplied.
- Evidence of relevant insurances must be supplied – it is your responsibility as the applicant to obtain and maintain adequate insurance (including public liability), in relation to project activities, to guard against any claims for loss or damage to property and injury or death to persons.
- Land owner and or building owner consent (if applicable) must be supplied.
- Any relevant permits and approvals must be obtained prior if possible or outlined in the application – it is your responsibility as the applicant to apply for, fund and obtain all required permits for the project including planning, building or local laws permits Fee waivers may also be available for relevant organisations. For more information about permits refer to Council’s website.
- Funding through our Community Grants Program does not constitute approval of required permits. Please note, if relevant permits are not obtained project funding will be reassessed.
- Applications received after the closing date and time will not be eligible.
Need an auspice?
- If your group is not incorporated or does not hold current public and products liability insurance, you can still apply through an auspice organisation.
- An auspice is an incorporated organisation that holds current public and products liability insurance, agreeing to take responsibility for your grant. The organisation receives the funding on behalf of the project and is financially responsible for distributing and managing the funds to your group for the delivery of the project.
- The auspice organisation is also responsible for acquitting funds. A letter confirming the auspice arrangement, on the auspice organisation’s letterhead and signed by an authorised representative, must be attached with your application.
Please ensure you have completed the following before submitting your application:
❏ Discussed your project idea with the relevant Council officer
❏ Project budget
❏ Insurance
❏ Detailed project timeline
❏ Letter of Auspice (if required)
❏ Relevant permits (if required)
❏ Letters of Support
❏ Evidence of approval from relevant land owner and or building owner (if required)
❏ Quotes
❏ Support Documents e.g. plans and photos (please ensure all documentation is submitted in Word, JPEG or PDF format)
❏ Lodge your application in online portal
A panel of Council officers will assess all eligible applications based on the assessment criteria. Recommendations will then be made to Council based on the ranking of those applications against the assessment criteria.
Eligible applications will be assessed against the following criteria:
Criteria 1 – Need: Why is the Project important, needed, and justified?
- Demonstrated evidence of alignment with the strategic objectives of the Council Plan 2021-2025 and other relevant Council strategies or community plans.
- Clear expression of the project aims / objectives.
- Evidence in addressing a need or opportunity.
Criteria 2 – Benefit:
Who will the Project benefit and who are the target audience?
- Number of positively affected partners, and the audience and participants involved.
- Use of local suppliers and support partners.
- Measurable impact on project participants – ability of project outcomes to increase accessibility and inclusion for all community members.
Criteria 3 – Delivery: Capacity of the project to succeed
- Evidence of project planning with the demonstrated skills and experience to deliver the Project.
- Clear and accurate timelines / milestones and budget planning that is supported by other forms of funding and quotations.
- Considerations made of risk management, OHS and project sustainability.
- Consideration of environmental impacts and minimisation of any waste occurring.
- Level of financial and in-kind contribution from applicant organisation.
Acquittal process
- Grant recipients are required to complete all sections of the Grant Acquittal Form.
- All projects must be completed within the 2024-2025 financial year.
- Successful applicants will be accountable to Council for the disbursement of grant monies as outlined in the application.
- Funds not expended for the intended purpose must be returned to Council.
- Any requests for variations to the original Grant Application must be lodged in writing and approved by Council.
- Central Goldfields Shire Council must be acknowledged in any promotional material relating to the project and evidence of this acknowledgement is to be provided as part of the acquittal process.
Applications that have not been discussed prior to submission will not be assessed. Relevant contacts across the four categories are:
Creativity and Innovation:
All potential applicants must contact a council officer to discuss their project idea before preparing their grant application.
List of contacts