Council to apply for funding for Maryborough Outdoor Pool

Published on 28 July 2023

Maryborough Outdoor pool.jpg

At a Meeting of Council earlier this week (25/07) Council endorsed an expression of interest application to the Federal Government’s Growing Regions Program – Round One (GRP1) for the Maryborough Olympic Pool Complex Project.

Of the $8 million needed to complete the project, Council will apply for $4 million in funding via the grant. If successful, the remaining $4 million would be raised by Council.

The complex holds large recreational and historical significance to the Central Goldfields community, as well as at a State and national level, and Council believes the much-needed restoration meets the GRP1 guidelines.

Central Goldfields Shire Council Mayor Cr Grace La Vella said the project was chosen after much consideration and was based on the project being at ‘shovel ready’ stage which was a requirement of the grant stream.  

“Last year, the Maryborough Outdoor Pool was deemed at ‘end of life stage’ meaning it is unsafe to re-open until the pool is demolished and rebuilt.

“Building a new pool comes at a significant cost and we feel this funding stream is our best chance of securing the funding we need to see this valued community asset reopened to community use.

“We are committed to seeing all the projects identified in our Priority Projects Plan delivered – we assure our community that we will continue to work hard behind the scenes to advocate to secure the funding for these projects.”

GRP1 will be delivered through a two-stage selection process. Applicants must submit an Expression of Interest at Stage 1 and, if successful, will be invited to submit a full application at Stage 2 in November this year.

It is expected that the outcome of applications will be announced in early 2024, with funded projects needing to commence by 15 May 2024.

For more information, visit  

Maryborough Municipal Outdoor Pool



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