Friday 26 April 2024
Published on 26 April 2024
The April Council Meeting was held on Tuesday 23 April.
You can watch a video recording of the meeting on our Facebook page or by visiting
Highlights include:
Draft Budget and Draft Financial Sustainability Strategy
The 2024-2025 Draft Budget and the Draft Financial Sustainability Strategy are now available for the community to review and provide feedback.
The Draft Budget is focused on implementing the key objectives of the 2021-2025 Council Plan as well as our commitment to deliver more than 36 services for the community.
The purpose of the Financial Sustainability Strategy is to make sure, despite the current economic challenges, our financial health remains strong into the future.
Feedback on both documents is invited until Friday 24 May 2024.
To view the documents and provide feedback visit:
Community members are also encouraged to attend a drop-in community information session on Thursday 9 May from 4 to 7pm at the Community Hub in Maryborough.
Play our Way Fund
Council will apply to the Federal Government’s Play Our Way Fund for $2 million for the Deledio Recreation Reserve Pavilion project.
If successful, Council will also contribute $500,000 to the project. The project is one of Council’s Priority Projects with an outcome expected May-June.
We are also waiting on a funding application from the State Government for the same project.

In response to community feedback, we’re making some changes to disabled car parking in Neill and Campbell Street, Maryborough.
The disabled car parking in this location will be doubled permanently to support patients accessing Maryborough District Health Service and the surrounding medical clinics.
The changes include:
- 1 additional disabled carpark in Campbell Street – which will mean there are two disabled car parks (Neill Street end)
- 1 additional disabled carpark in Neill Street (Clarendon Street end)
Infrastructure to support these changes (kerb, footpath, signage and line marking) will commence shortly.
We’ll let our community know once the works are complete.

From Monday 29 April, the toilet block in the Woolworths Supermarket car park will be closed for maintenance, including plumbing improvements and a tidy up.
The popular Craft Shop at the front of the building will remain open during the works – which are expected to take two weeks.
Alternative public amenities remain open at Phillips Gardens and Clarendon Street.

Connect and celebrate at the Goldfields Community Festival tomorrow, Saturday 27 April from 11am to 4pm at Phillips Gardens in Maryborough.
It's a free, fun, all ages, all access event featuring music, art, games, rides, information and activities.
We are proud to support the event through a partnership with Go Goldfields, Committee for Maryborough, Maryborough District Health Service, Community Bank Avoca, Maryborough and St Arnaud, and the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal.

Volunteers are the lifeblood of communities across Australia – including ours!
The reality is that volunteering is changing, and we know that many volunteers, community groups and organisations locally are doing it tough.
To help support you better, and to try and tackle these challenges together, we have partnered with the Maryborough Volunteer Resource Centre, to bring you three opportunities.

Changing Face of Volunteering – Something for Everyone Forum
Help us shape what comes next for volunteering in our Shire by attending the Changing Face of Volunteering – Something for Everyone Forum:
- Thursday 30 May, 5.30pm for 6pm start, Salvation Army, 27 Wills Street, Maryborough
Why go?
- Learn about the latest trends in volunteering and why you need to know this.
- Share and learn from other groups – what’s going well for them and what isn’t
- Meet new people and make new connections
- Discover new volunteering opportunities
- Find out how you can get involved in the local community
- Be celebrated, be valued!
To register email or call 5461 0610.
National Volunteer Week – thank you evening
To celebrate National Volunteer Week, we want to recognise and thank you for your dedication and contribution.
All volunteers in the Shire are invited to join us for the National Volunteer Week – thank you evening:
- Monday 20 May, 5.30pm for 5.45pm start. Bull and Mouth, High Street, Maryborough
To register email or call 5461 0610.
Community Grant Writing Workshops
We know that funding to deliver projects, events and activities can be challenging to access.
That’s why we are hosting a series of grant writing workshops to help give you the skills and info you need to write successful applications. The workshops are being led by the Maryborough Volunteer Resource Centre with support from Council.
We encourage you to join us at one, or all of the following sessions to be held at the Maryborough Community Hub.
- 7 Pillars of Fundraising and Strategic Planning Process: Monday 29 April, 10am to 12noon
- Developing a Fundraising Strategy: Monday 6 May, 10am to 12noon
- Good Governance: Monday 13 May, 10am to 12 noon
- Writing Winning Grants: Monday 20 May, 10am to 12noon
- Pitch Night and Putting Your Grant Application Together: Monday 3 June, 6.30pm
For more information email or phone Tony Macer on 0400 029 068.

Influenza (flu) vaccination is recommended for everyone 6 months and over. It not only protects you, but helps to protect those around you. Our 2024 community vaccination program is now underway:
- Thursday 2 May - 5.30 to 7pm, Community Hub, Station Domain, Maryborough
- Wednesday 8 May - 3.30 to 5.30pm, Carisbrook Senior Citizen's Hall
- Tuesday 14 May - 8.15 to 10am, Talbot ANA Hall
For more information about these and other vaccinations, contact the Immunisation Team at or phone 0428 894 724. You can also visit:

Your Town Hall needs you! An expression of interest is now open to join the Talbot Town Hall Committee of Management.
The Talbot Town Hall is a much-loved community asset with heritage significance in the township of Talbot.
It needs community leaders to join the Talbot Town Hall Committee of Management to assure the future sustainability of this heritage asset.
If you are passionate about Talbot, keen to see Talbot’s heritage preserved, and want to see Talbot thrive – we encourage you to submit an expression of interest.
To find out more, and to submit an EOI, visit
Tenders currently available through Central Goldfields Shire Council are listed below.
Tender documents can be downloaded from e-Procure, accessible via Council's website
Tender No
Tender Description
EOI: Provision of Cleaning Services to Central Goldfields Shire Council
12 noon
8 May 2024