New in-home aged and community-based service providers appointed

Published on 24 January 2024

In August last year, after extensive consideration, Central Goldfields Shire Council made the decision to transition away from delivering in-home aged and community-based services from 1 March, 2024.

The decision was made in response to the planned introduction of the Commonwealth Government new model of care - In-Home Support (IHS) program – which is part of its National Reform of Aged Care and scheduled to commence on 1 July 2027.

Both the State and Commonwealth Governments have now appointed new in-home aged and community-based service providers for Central Goldfields Shire residents.

They will provide services that could include domestic assistance, personal care, in home flexible respite care, meals on wheels, home maintenance and modification as well as social support programs.

Intereach has been named as the new provider for the Home and Community Care Program for Younger People (HACC PYP).

Maryborough District Health Service, mecwacare and Uniting AgeWell have been named as the new providers for the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) for people over the age of 65.

Central Goldfields Shire Mayor Cr Liesbeth Long said it was fantastic to have the new providers confirmed and that the focus was now on supporting the approximately 630 clients to transition to the new providers.

“We’re committed to making this period of transition as seamless as possible for our residents and we want to reassure our clients that they will continue to receive the services that they need.

“Our team will support you to move across and are here to answer any questions they may have about the process.”

To ensure a seamless continuation of care, those currently receiving services will receive a letter in the mail to advise of their provider. This letter also includes a consent authorising Council to share their information with the provider. It is important this consent is returned to Council’s Community Care Team promptly. Services provided directly by Central Goldfields Shire will finish on 29 February.

Mayor Cr Liesbeth Long also highlighted the dedication and service of Council staff.

“I’d like to acknowledge the ongoing efforts of our Community Care Team – we acknowledge this has been a difficult process – and we thank them for their wonderful ongoing services and care for our community’s residents.

“We’ll continue to support the team with new employment options as we know their skills and experience will be highly valued in our local aged care sector.”

Council is continuing to support its staff and has provided support services, meetings with the new providers and redeployments in other Council departments.

A comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions is available on Council’s website – to find out more visit 


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