Published on 04 April 2024
There’s much in the pipeline in Carisbrook. In partnership with the community, Council has submitted several applications for projects under the Victorian Government’s Regional Development Victoria ‘Tiny Towns Fund’.
Federal and State Government funding streams are critical for small rural councils such as ours to deliver new and upgraded infrastructure. As much as we’d love to be able to finance every single project that is needed across the municipality, the reality is that rural councils like ours just don’t have the spare funds to do this.
The applications below have all been submitted for Carisbrook:
Selected as “shovel-ready” community-driven projects strengthening social connection, they should also encourage more visitors to the town. Some include local community contribution, which has become more challenging when competing with sky rocketing cost of living expenses.
I’d like to give a big shout out to our Council officers for pulling these applications together – I know it’s a huge amount of work. Fingers crossed for a positive outcome – watch this space!
Major Cr Liesbeth Long