18 July, 2024 - Mayor Cr Liesbeth Long - The Carisbrook Mercury
Published on 18 July 2024
Some great news for Carisbrook with Fred Spain, the independent expert reviewing the Carisbrook levee, getting close to finalising his review. He has been greatly assisted by members of the Carisbrook Levee Review Reference Group, who have provided relevant data and accompanied him on site visits.
Fred will be presenting his findings and recommendations to Council, along with the Reference Group on the afternoon of 6th August, and that evening, will be presenting his report to the broader community at the Carisbrook Senior Citizens Centre.
More details about this opportunity to hear from Fred will be provided over coming weeks.
The Reference Group, including Council officers, has been impressed with Fred's knowledge and candour and have already learned a great deal from him. Council looks forward to receiving Fred's report to consider his recommendations, as well as working in strong partnership with the community on an implementation plan to address the recommendations. Once recommendations and an implementation plan are made, Council can then advocate for any funding required to deliver on the implementation plan.
Next, don’t forget that our Community Grants applications are now open – Carisbrook received one last year, so get behind this great Council initiative again and see how you go. Grants are available from $500 to $3,000 with $46,000 in total up for grabs in 2024, including $5,000 from our Climate Action Plan.
Community grants give financial support to organisations to deliver activities, programs, small events, equipment and infrastructure. Council recommends that you chat with our Community Partnerships team before submitting an application though, to ensure it’s eligible.
Applications close 4pm on Friday 26 July. You can find the online application form and further information at:
Lastly, we’re currently inviting community feedback on our Draft Fair Access Policy and the upcoming ‘This Girl Can’ campaign. Both projects support women and girls, men and boys, gender diverse people and those with disability to participate in sport and physical activities. Feedback is open until 3pm, Friday 19 July, 2024. See website to provide feedback: