Published on 18 June 2024
This October is one of the most important events on the Local Government calendar: elections. Every four years our community elects seven people who will make decisions that will set the future direction of Central Goldfields Shire.
I was fortunate to be voted into the very first elected council in 1997 and have been honoured to be re-elected ever since.
October however will be very different for me: this year I will be an observer, not a participant, because it is time for change.
Being a councillor is both daunting and exciting - it is not for the faint hearted. One becomes public property with seven out of ten people telling you everything you do wrong. There’s very little praise and a lot of criticism.
On the flip side however, you will be part of a team that makes a real difference. Don’t let anyone tell you that Council is merely a rubber stamp. Council does make the big decisions that affect our community.
The Shire stands on the cusp of some very exciting initiatives: the World Heritage Bid, when successful will completely transform our Shire. Talbot Futures will lead to the sewering of Talbot. Maryborough’s Town Hall upgrade is underway, with tiling of the indoor swimming pool completed. Much work is required to acquire grants for Deledio Reserve, Princes Park Grandstand and the Olympic Swimming Pool.
So if you have ever thought of truly getting involved, nominate for Council. I can guarantee when you look back it will be one of life’s highlights!
Cr Geoff Lovett
Maryborough Ward
Stand for Council 2024