Published on 29 March 2023
At the March Council Meeting earlier this week (28/03), a Flood Recovery Program update was noted by Central Goldfields Shire Council.
The flood events in October, 2022 caused significant damage to infrastructure and property throughout the municipality.
Council has assessed the damage caused to infrastructure assets to determine the scope of the recovery work required.
This has been carried out by Shepards – an experienced asset management and impact assessment consultancy firm.
The assessment indicated that significant repairs are needed to restore damaged roads, culverts, and other public infrastructure.
This assessment work has been used to support Council’s current claim to recover costs through National Disaster Financial Assistance (NDFA). This is currently being reviewed by the Department of Transport (DOT) and it is estimated that approval of the claim should be forthcoming in the coming weeks.
Council is well positioned to commence works across the road network once final approval of the claim is received with contracts for the management of the flood recovery program and delivering of on ground reinstatement and renewal works awarded at the March 2023 Council meeting. Key activities scheduled to be completed under the road network restoration program include:
Works to repair damaged open space and building assets have also commenced and/or programmed to be carry out in the near future subject to appropriate approvals. This includes: