Wimmera Mallee Pipeline extension feasibility study update

Published on 21 June 2023


GWMWater, in partnership with Central Goldfields Shire is investigating the feasibility of extending the Wimmera Mallee Pipeline to provide water to rural properties in parts of the Pyrenees, Northern Grampians and Central Goldfields Shires. Pyrenees Shire Council secured $300,000 from the Victorian Government for a feasibility study and business case. The feasibility study is currently underway with a business case due by end of 2023.

The study is considering options to provide a reliable rural water supply, utilising existing water infrastructure where possible and indication of the level of interest.

A piped water supply could provide significant environmental, social and economic benefits to the region, improving access to water for drought affected communities and expanding Victoria’s water grid. The focus is on supplying non-potable water (non-drinking water) to increase the productivity of agricultural and viticultural sectors and for water to maintain urban green spaces.

Public information sessions in February showed strong support for the project from key stakeholders and community members.

Landholders with an interest in water connections are being encouraged to lodge expressions of interest with details about this process and the project background being available at https://gwmwater.org.au/swnep-study

GWMWater is committed to the ongoing improvement of services and infrastructure in our region. Investment in rural pipelines provides opportunities for future generations.


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