Weekly update - Friday 16 August, 2024

Published on 16 August 2024



The August Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 20 August at 6pm.

The agenda will be available to view at: www.centralgoldfields.vic.gov.au/councilmeetings

The meeting will be held in-person at the Maryborough Community Hub and is open to the community to attend.

The meeting will also be livestreamed to our Facebook page and a video will be available at the above web address following the meeting.



We’re partnering with the Victorian Local Governance Association to support prospective candidates for the October 2024 Council Election.

Commencing this week, three free online sessions will explain the process to become a Councillor and what to expect if successful. Registration is not required for these sessions:

  • Online session 1: Becoming a Councillor – tonight, Friday 16 August from 6pm to 8pm
  • Online session 2: Election Campaign Essentials – next Friday 23 August from 6pm to 8pm
  • Online session 3: Safety and Self-Care for Women in Public Office – Monday 2 September from 4pm to 6pm

Nominations open Monday 9 September at 9am, closing Tuesday 17 September at 12 noon.

To attend the online sessions and for further information, visit: www.centralgoldfields.vic.gov.au/Stand-for-Council




Everyone is invited to celebrate the opening of the Indigenous Interpretive Garden next to the Central Goldfields Art Gallery on Thursday 22 August from 1pm to 2.30pm, 1 Neill Street, Maryborough.

At this special event, the Garden’s official name and meaning will be unveiled and cultural activities will help bring the garden to life.

Designed collaboratively with Djaara Elders and artists through a wartaka process, and supported by the Victorian Government, the Garden will be a public place inviting the whole community to come together in a spirit of reconciliation to understand and celebrate Culture.

The community is welcome to join the celebrations.




The award-winning Energy Breakthrough event is operated by a small team of staff and an army of fantastic volunteers - plus a host of community groups providing food and drink.

Expressions of Interest are now open for community groups to supply catering, helping our premier community event and generating much needed fundraising for their local groups and clubs.

For further details, or to submit an application before 11 September, visit:





Princes Park Grandstand

We recently invited key groups who call the Grandstand home to meet and explain to us how they currently use the space. Now we want to hear from the broader community about your experience with the Grandstand, and how you see it being used into the future.

This helps us apply for funding opportunities when suitable grants become available.

To have your say and upload images visit:




Carisbrook Levee Review

Over the past two months, independent engineer Fred Spain, with support from the Carisbrook Levee Reference Group, reviewed the Carisbrook Levee and Tullaroop Creek.

His report has made suggestions including conducting an internal flood study and developing a detailed maintenance and improvement program to ensure the levee functions as designed.

The live recording of the community meeting is available to view on our Facebook page and You Tube channel.

The report is also available for the community to read, and you can provide feedback until 3pm, Monday 26 August.

Visit: www.engage.cgoldshire.vic.gov.au/carisbrooklevee



Your Local Law Review

We’re inviting you to review our Draft Local Law 2025-2035, covering a range of diverse topics from unsightly land, fire safety, animals, roadside, reserves and footpath trading to planting on nature strips and building sites.

Around 90 community members have already helped shape our Draft Local Law. Based on community feedback, there are a number of changes and additions relating to shopping trolleys, shipping containers, burning in open spaces, animals, camping, dogs in public places and many others.

We encourage you to take this quick survey to let us know your thoughts on the Draft Local Law, which will apply for the next ten years. The survey is open until 3pm, Friday 30 August.

Visit: www.engage.cgoldshire.vic.gov.au/yourlocallaw


Learning Hub

To improve further education and training within our Shire, we’re proposing a Maryborough Learning Hub so local employees, school leavers and those seeking employment can upskill without the need to travel to major centres.

The Learning Hub would provide high speed internet access, equipment, learning areas, support staff for career and study support, and facilities such as kitchens, toilets and meeting areas.

To help us build the funding case, we’ve partnered with La Trobe University in Bendigo to capture a snapshot of your learning needs – whatever your age or employment, with a short survey.

To find out more and participate in the survey, visit: www.engage.cgoldshire.vic.gov.au/learninghub



Food System Roadmap

The success of the local food system has a direct impact on our health and wellbeing, the growth of our children, the environment, and the local economy.

After asking you what you thought about our local food system recently, we developed the Draft Food Systems Roadmap. You can now read the Draft and have your say. Feedback closes at 3pm Friday 23 August.

For more information and to have your say visit: www.engage.cgoldshire.vic.gov.au/foodsystemsroadmap



Local Area Action Plan

To help create a Destination Management Plan for the region and a Local Area Action Plan (LAAP) for our Shire, we worked in partnership with Bendigo Regional Tourism and worked with local tourism operators to discuss their approach to growing tourism in the region.

Thank you to those who recently gave feedback on the Draft Local Area Action Plan. Once adopted by Council, the plan can be implemented across our Shire.

To read the plan visit: www.engage.cgoldshire.vic.gov.au/laap



Are you someone who cares deeply about your community? Do you feel strongly about supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our young people?

Then becoming a Youth Mental Health First Aid Instructor may be the opportunity for you.

The Live4Life Central Goldfields Partnership Group is inviting community members to apply to undertake the training needed to become a Youth Mental Health First Aid Instructor.

All costs to participate will be covered and once trained you will be able to deliver Youth Mental Health First Aid training to school staff and the broader community, helping Central Goldfields become better equipped to support the wellbeing of our young people.

Applications are open until Friday 30 August.

To find out more, and to apply, visit: www.centralgoldfields.vic.gov.au/mentalhealthfirstaid









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