Friday 7 June 2024
Published on 07 June 2024
Due to the Kings Birthday public holiday, our Customer Service Centre, VicRoads, Maryborough Library, Goldfields Family Centre, Depot/Pound and Transfer Stations will be closed on Monday 10 June and will re-open on Tuesday 11 June.
Our Central Goldfields Visitor Centre will be as normal from 9am to 5pm.
The Central Goldfields Shire Council after-hours service will also operate as normal.
Urgent issues relating to the following areas can be reported to:
- Council Infrastructure - 0419 005 577
- Animal Control - 0407 508 448
We will be partnering with a group of community members, to undertake an independent review of the Carisbrook Levee.
The Carisbrook Levee project was completed in June 2023 and designed by specialists Entura in response to major floods which occurred in 2010 and 2011.
The Carisbrook Levee Independent Review Reference Group, who have met twice to date, is made up of:
- Community representatives, Keith McLeish, Trish Coutts, Peter Higgins, Ian Boucher, Wayne McKail, Judi McKail, Paula Forbes, Greg Cochran, Bryan Perry and Leonie Van Rooyen
- Council staff – CEO Lucy Roffey, Acting General Manager Infrastructure, Assets and Planning Bill Millard and Manager Community Engagement Kylie Long
- Councillors Anna De Villiers and Wayne Sproull
An Independent Engineer, who has been identified by members of the reference group, will be appointed to conduct the review with the final report to be provided by the end of September 2024.
The group have agreed through their Terms of Reference that they will accept the findings of the Independent Review.
Council will receive a report at the June Council Meeting updating them on the work of the reference group and requesting endorsement of the Terms of Reference.
Council will be the ultimate decisionmaker in response to the report recommendations from the Independent Reviewer including any actions that might be implemented and funded.
The reference group is considering a number of different ways to keep the community updated on the review so they feel well informed. There will also be opportunities for anyone in the community to provide information to the Independent Reviewer that they feel is relevant and would assist the review.
For more information visit
On Wednesday 26 June, we’ll be launching our refreshed Council website. The new website will make it easier for you to find the information you are looking for.
If you visit our website from now until the end of June, you may notice the website will be under maintenance.
During this period, you’ll still be able to access all pages on the website, though we recommend using the ‘search’ function.
Thank you for your patience and we look forward to providing an improved website.
Registrations for three and four year old kindergarten in 2025 are now open
Parents and carers can apply for any of the kindergartens across our Shire using one form - with all seven kindergartens participating in the Centralised Kindergarten Registration Program.
To find out more, and to register, visit
Residents should have received the latest edition of our Community Update magazine in their letterbox this week.
You can also read it online at
The winter edition is a celebration of all the services, programs and activities we deliver that support local children and families.
Feedback on the magazine is always welcome – please email:
Our Environmental Health team is currently conducting free health checks of existing septic tank systems in specific areas of Talbot.
The purpose of the health checks is to educate property owners about care and maintenance of their systems.
The checks will also allow us to update our data that will help inform future decision making including the business case for reticulated sewerage in Talbot.
Property owners, who will benefit from the proposed reticulated sewerage system, have been sent a letter regarding the checks.
Talbot residents who have received a letter and would like more information, or would like to make an appointment, can contact our Environmental Health team by calling our Customer Service on 5461 0610 or by emailing:
We know that funding to deliver projects, events and activities can be challenging to access.
That’s why a series of grant writing workshops was designed to help give you the skills and info you need to write successful applications. The workshops were led by the Maryborough Volunteer Resource Centre with our support.
We encourage you to join us at the Maryborough Community Hub for ‘Pitch Night and Putting Your Grant Application Together’ on Monday 17 June, 6.30pm.
For more information email or phone Tony Macer on 0400 029 068.
A project to laser scan our community halls at Dunolly (pictured), Talbot and Carisbrook is currently underway.
They are being mapped down to the millimetre so that we can have full plans and elevations produced for each community asset.
The assessments will help us understand what restoration works are needed so we can apply for any future grant opportunities. It will also help our maintenance and facilities team.
This project is being funded by Council so that we can ensure these much-loved community assets can be preserved for future generations.
We, along with the Maryborough Volunteer Resource Centre, were thrilled to have over 80 participants at the Changing Face of Volunteering Forum last week.
We are grateful for the energy, ideas, and dedication that was shared. Your participation is what makes our community stronger and more vibrant.
Your insights will shape the future of volunteering in our Shire - so watch this space!
For career opportunities, please see our advertisement in today’s paper or visit:
Tenders currently available through Central Goldfields Shire Council are listed below.
Tender documents can be downloaded from e-Procure, accessible via Council's website
Tender No
Tender Description
EOI for provision of a customer request management system to Central Goldfields Shire and Pyrenees Shire
12noon 17/06/2024
Request for Tender for Provision of Supply, Deliver & Lay Asphalt Panel
Request for Tender for Provision of Arboriculture and Vegetation Services Panel