Weekly update - Friday 20 December 2024
Published on 20 December 2024
On behalf of Councillors, staff and volunteers we extend our best wishes to the Central Goldfields Shire community for a safe and happy festive season.
Our Customer Service Centre will close at 2pm on Tuesday 24 December and will re-open at 9am on Thursday 2 January, 2025.
- Urgent after-hours issues that relate to Council infrastructure can be reported on 0419 005 577
- Urgent after-hours issues relating to animal control can be reported on 0407 508 448 (dog attacks, stock on roads and contained dogs only)
- Visitor Centre at Maryborough Railway Station – closed Christmas Day only
- The Nest and the Central Kindergarten Registration Office will close on Friday 20 December and reopen Monday 13 January
- Libraries, Maternal & Child Health and VicRoads – closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day
- Please note VicRoads is closed every Friday.
Waste Service Changes
- Waste collection moves forward one day to avoid Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, which fall on Wednesdays this season. Wednesday collections will occur on Thursday instead, while Thursday collections will occur on Friday instead.
- Talbot and Dunolly transfer stations (normally open on Wednesdays) will be closed for Christmas and New Year’s days. Carisbrook is not open Wednesdays. Bealiba will close on Boxing Day, and open instead on Friday 27 December.
For a full list of modified hours visit: www.centralgoldfields.vic.gov.au/holidayhours2024
The December Council Meeting was held earlier this week (17/12).
The video recording of the meeting can be viewed online www.centralgoldfields.vic.gov.au/councilmeetings
Our summer fun has already started, with a growing list of things to do and places to go for young people thanks to Maryborough Regional Library, Central Goldfields Art Gallery, our Visit Maryborough & Surrounds team and our free outdoor pools.
To keep up to date visit:
As part of our free, family-friendly Australia Day event in Maryborough, to be held at Station Domain on Sunday 26 January 2025 from 8.30am there will be:
- Medallions presented to all of our new babies born during 2024
- Kinder books presented to all three and four-year-old children starting kindergarten in 2025.
To register your children for medallions and books visit: www.centralgoldfields.vic.gov.au/australiaday2025
With shopping centres now at their busiest, we’ve employed additional compliance officers to check that drivers are sharing the available parking spaces fairly.
For further information visit: www.centralgoldfields.vic.gov.au/ParkedOver
Loading zones
We’ve had some complaints around vehicles parking in loading zones along High Street in Maryborough. Loading zones are in high demand at this time of year due to Christmas deliveries. Support our local businesses by keeping clear of loading zones
Clean up after your pet
So that we can be a pet friendly Shire, please pick after your dog when in public places. Fines will be issued if you are caught.
Our Operations team have been busy with the following projects this week:
- A new footpath in Alice Street, Dunolly – between Thompson and Bull streets has been constructed
- Pathway works at Maryborough Community House are underway
- Drainage works at Talbot and Carisbrook
Recently our Operations Roads and Works team enjoyed some extra help.
Tristan, a Year 11 student from Maryborough Education Centre, spent some time learning how we keep our roads safe under the watchful eye of Ernie and Corey, our experienced crew.
We offer a broad range of opportunities for work experience in our Shire, from media to administration, planning, parks and gardens, engineering, maintenance... and more.
If you know of someone who might be interested in work experience with us in 2025 please visit www.centralgoldfields.vic.gov.au/studentplacements
Our Municipal Fire Prevention Officers (MFPOs) are now returning to inspect properties issued with Fire Prevention Notices over recent weeks.
Landowners were required to carry out specific fuel reduction works by a date on their notice. If they have not complied, we will appoint contractors to complete the works at the landowner’s expense, on top of possible fines.
Our MFPOs are reporting improved compliance this year, with fewer notices issued and some parts of our Shire – such as Talbot and surrounds, in excellent condition.
We encourage all districts to follow Talbot’s example and complete fire reduction work, when safe to do so. If you know of a property that still needs attention, contact our MFPOs on 5461 0610 or ‘Report a Problem’ online by visiting:
This week there have been some delays with the heat, but slashing has continued in to Dunolly, Bealiba and Cotswold with more to go. Please note the slashing program will cease over the Christmas period and will recommence Monday 6 January, 2025.
The progress map shows:
- GREEN areas – completed
- YELLOW areas – to be slashed 3 metres either side
- BLUE areas – to be slashed from fence line to fence line, as per advice from CFA and Forest Fire Management Victoria.