Weekly update - Friday 6 September 2024
Published on 06 September 2024
The Central Goldfields Shire Australia Day Awards celebrate the achievements and contributions made by outstanding members and groups in our community. They inspire us through their efforts and make us proud to live in our Shire.
Nominations for the 2025 awards are now open for the following three categories:
- Citizen of the Year
- Young Citizen of the Year
- Community Award of the Year
Nominations close at 12 midnight on Sunday, 27 October.
Visit: www.centralgoldfields.vic.gov.au/NOMINATE

Spring has arrived – and so should your copy of our latest Community Update magazine.
Over this week copies have been delivered to every household in our Shire. Copies are also available from our Customer Service Centre, Maryborough Library, Central Goldfields Art Gallery and our Visitor Centre at Maryborough Station.
You can also read it online at:

Join in the excitement of Energy Breakthrough and help promote the event’s ‘waste wise’ message by volunteering with our Waste Education team.
Helping to guide patrons sorting their waste, reducing landfill and recycling their utensils is a fantastic way to meet people and achieve positive results for the whole community. Plus there is a range of other roles to choose from to support the 5,000 students from 150 schools taking part.
Visit: www.eb.org.au/volunteer
Expressions of Interest are open until next Wednesday, 11 September for community groups to supply catering, generating much needed fundraising for their local groups and clubs and helping our premier event’s success.
For further details, or to submit an application visit:

Managing Risk
Our Draft Risk Management Policy aims to meet our community's vision of good planning, governance and service delivery.
It applies to all Council owned and/or operated equipment, land, property and facilities, all services provided to the community and internal functions and processes, therefore it is important we hear from the community to make sure we have got it right.
You can download the Draft Policy and give feedback until next Monday, 9 September by visiting:

Your Local Law Review
Thank you for the many thoughtful and practical suggestions about our Draft Local Law 2025-2035. With nearly 200 contributions over our engagement period, we now have good insight into our community’s expectations for their Local Law.
Feedback will now be referred for legal advice, then presented to our new Council following the election process later this year.
We’ll keep you up to date on its progress. For information about this process visit:

Learning Hub
Meet Tarun, our Environmental Health Officer for the past two and a half years. Before joining us, Tarun was an accomplished chef who decided to return to tertiary study in 2016.

So, what’s your plan?
You can help us improve further education and training opportunities within our Shire by completing our short survey in partnership with La Trobe University, Bendigo. This feedback will support our funding applications for a Maryborough Learning Hub.
Local learning facilities with support staff, high speed internet, learning areas and specialised equipment open up new opportunities for everyone in the community, enabling growth and development without the need to relocate into distant cities.
The survey takes less than ten minutes. To learn more and begin, visit:
Cases of whooping cough (pertussis) continue to increase in Victoria, particularly amongst school-aged children.
Immunisation is the best way to reduce the risk of whooping cough and is recommended for babies and pregnant women to reduce the risk of infection and complications. To be effective, a booster vaccine is required every ten years.
The vaccine is free for pregnant women and children.
Contact our immunisation team at Goldfields Family Centre by calling 0428 894 724, scan the QR code shown, or email: immunisation@cgoldshire.vic.gov.au

Nominations to stand for Council in the upcoming October Election open at 9am, Monday 9 September.
You can prepare your nomination online, however nominations must be lodged in person at the Central Goldfields Shire Election Office at the former Visitor Information Centre, 53 Burns Street, Maryborough.
Election Office hours:
- Weekdays from 9am to 5pm (from Monday 9 September)
- Thursday 24 October from 9am to 8pm
- Friday 25 October from 9am to 6pm (close of voting)
For further information about nominating for Council election, visit:
One white, Border Leicester crossbred ewe has been found on Lillicur Rd, Amherst on Friday 30 August 2024 at approximately 10am.
The ewe will be sold or given away if not claimed by 4pm, Friday 13 September.
For more information contact Compliance team on 5461 0610 or email: mail@cgoldshire.vic.gov.au
For career opportunities, please visit:
*There are currently no Tenders on offer.