Weekly update - Friday 7 February 2025
Published on 07 February 2025
Council is calling for artists, performers and other creatives interested in our new space to join the Creative Station Co-Design Group.
This group will ensure the voices of local creatives are reflected in an actionable six-month pilot program of activities for the newly rejuvenated Creative Space at the Maryborough Railway Station.
The facility has a large, open indoor space and substantial, secure courtyard, with plans to extend some activities to a shared work area next door.
If you are a creative in any genre and live locally, or provide creative services in our Shire, please contact our Creative Station Project Coordinator Amanda Western (pictured below) to request an Expression of Interest pack. Email: mail@cgoldshire.vic.gov.au or phone 5461 0610.

The Australian Government has officially given the green light for the Victorian Goldfields to seek World Heritage Listing, marking an historic milestone after 35 years of advocacy.
Now on Australia’s UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List, the approval represents an opportunity for our remarkable region, its people and its history, to proudly sit alongside some of Australia’s most iconic landmarks.
As one of fifteen local councils involved in the partnership, we have worked hard over many years to advance this initiative knowing the benefits this would bring at a local level here in the Central Goldfields.
A 2024 economic assessment found that if successful, the listing could see 2.5 million new visitors to the Victorian Goldfields Region over 10 years, with an estimated visitor spending increase into local economies of over $500 million.
In addition to boosting tourism visitation and injecting funds into our local economy, the World Heritage Listing would also support conservation of our beautiful gold rush buildings and enable the traditional custodians of the land to tell their own stories.
For further information visit: www.goldfieldsworldheritage.com.au

We continue to advocate to both Federal and State governments for the funding needed to carry on the great work of Go Goldfields.
Without funding, our much-loved facility - “The Nest” - cannot continue to operate.
As a short-term option, to keep The Nest operating for a further six months, we have allocated the funding we received from our recent Early Years Award to fund our Nest Facilitator role.
To make this viable our opening hours have been reduced to:
- Monday to Wednesday - 9am to 12noon
- Thursday – open for programs only
- Friday - open for Baby Playgroup 10am to 12noon
Whilst we are happy we can continue to welcome families at The Nest, our advocacy efforts must yield funding so that The Nest can operate beyond six months.
If you have the opportunity, we encourage you to chat to our local State and Federal Ministers about why The Nest is important to you.
Frederick Street
This week upgrade works commenced in Frederick Street, Maryborough. The first stage is the removal and replacement of gutters and driveways, to be followed by the removal of all asphalt.
This schedule ensures that residents maintain access to their properties throughout the project, except for occasional delays.
Adjoining Whittaker Street will also be re-surfaced. Works take place from 7am to 4pm weekdays until the end of March. Traffic control and signage will assist road and path users as conditions change.
The project is fully funded by the Federal Government's Roads to Recovery program.

Sealed road maintenance
Sections will be resealed along the following roads, commencing next week:
- Carpentaria, Heales and Barkly streets in Talbot
- Stuart Mill Road at Archdale Junction
- Laidlaw, South, Barkly, Fuller and Laidman streets; Golden Wattle Drive in Maryborough
- Smith Street and Baringhup Road in Carisbrook
- Bull and Hardy streets in Dunolly

Unsealed roads
Maintenance grading was completed in Wareek this week. Crews will now move to Bald Hill and Donovans roads, then Black Lane around Carisbrook. Re-sheeting begins on Mount Hooghly-Timor Road next week.
Facilities and Maintenance
- Our crew has finished re-plastering inside TL Stone Memorial Kindergarten, plus minor repairs to paths and gates.
- Preparations are underway for the replacement of sections of wall inside the Nolan Street Gym, following treatment for termites.
- The toilet block next to the Maryborough Community Hub (near the Station Domain adventure playground) has re-opened the female and male toilets. The disabled toilet will re-open next week.
Water works
Central Highlands Water (CHW) have commenced water main renewal works along Gillies Street, Maryborough between Layton and Majorca roads.
Works will take place between 7am and 7pm on weekdays, with some work outside these hours for safety or technical reasons.
Temporary water supply will be provided to affected properties, and access will be maintained with assistance from traffic management. Completion date for the works is expected in late April.
For further information, contact CHW’s contractor Interflow on 5442 4144. Faults and emergencies should be reported directly to CHW on 1800 061 514.

Carisbrook needs an updated flood plan as required by state legislation. There has been a lot of talk about flood management in Carisbrook - now it's time for action.
By lodging an Expression of Interest as a member of Carisbrook and its surrounding community, you can ensure local residents have a say in the decision making which will protect the town for future generations.
The flood plan is funded by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action for guidance over the next 10 years.
The closing date for EOIs has been extended to Friday 14 February 2025. For further information and to apply visit:
A $100,000 upgrade to the Bowenvale playground gets underway next week thanks to $50,000 from the Victorian Government’s Tiny Towns Fun along with $50,000 from Council.
During the works the playground area will not be accessible. Access to the tennis courts will still be available.
The first stage of the project is expected to take 2-3 months to complete and includes:
- New fence along fence along Timor Road
- Relocated and refurbished play equipment from existing site to new location
- New path from war memorial around new playground
- Drainage from play areas to existing drain
- New sand soft fall area for relocated equipment with large feature sand stones
- New mulch soft fall area for relocated, new and future equipment
- New log balance play equipment
- New trees for shade throughout new play areas
In the new financial year we will be working towards more funding for further play equipment.

For career opportunities, please visit:
Tenders currently available through Central Goldfields Shire Council are listed below.
Tender documents can be downloaded from e-Procure, accessible via Council's website: www.centralgoldfields.vic.gov.au/tenders
G1956-2024 Expression of Interest - Carisbrook Flood Management Plan: Modelling and Analysis 12PM
13 February 2025