Weekly update - Friday 7 March 2025

Published on 07 March 2025


The reality is that as a Council – we can’t do everything – but we want to ensure that what we do, matters.

We’re currently developing our Council Plan which sets out the key priorities that Council will focus on over the next four years. It will also help to make sure that our everyday work is aligned with realising the Central Goldfields Shire Community Vision 2031.

For the first time, our Council Plan will also incorporate the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan. This will ensure that improving and promoting our community’s health and wellbeing is at the centre of everything we do.

Our aim is to reach out to as many people as possible – whether you are a business owner, student, farmer, retiree, parent, volunteer – we encourage everyone to use this opportunity to have their say. We also have an activity sheet to encourage children to draw their favourite things to do.

By spending a few minutes, you can help decide where we will focus our resources and efforts to best support our community.


The first round of feedback is invited until Friday 28 March and can be provided via: 

In-person drop in sessions - 

  • Monday 24 March – Maryborough Goldfields Shopping Complex (outside Coles/Kmart): 3.30 to 5.30pm 
  • Tuesday 25 March – Dunolly Bakery: 3.30 to 5.30pm 
  • Thursday 27 March – Carisbrook Bakery: 3.30 to 5.30pm 
  • Friday 28 March – Talbot Post Office: 3.30 to 5.30pm 

Community Survey – 

  • complete the online survey at www.engage.cgoldshire.vic.gov.au/whatmatters
  • pick up a hard copy survey from Council’s Customer Service Centre, our libraries at Maryborough and Dunolly or from The Nest. The children’s activity sheet can also be picked up from these locations.
  • complete the three questions (or drawing) and return to any Council location or to your Ward Councillor. 

Contact your Ward Councillor – share your feedback directly. Contact details >

You can stay informed and follow updates about the Council Plan by:

The draft Council Plan 2025-2029 will be available for community feedback in July. 


A Special Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday 12 March at 6pm to consider the Maryborough Olympic Pool Complex state government grant application.

The agenda is available to view at: www.centralgoldfields.vic.gov.au/councilmeetings 

The meeting will be held in-person at the Maryborough Community Hub and is open to the community to attend. 

The meeting will also be livestreamed to Council’s webpage and a video will be available at the above web address following the meeting.



We have been successful in securing $210,000 in Federal Government funding for the Maryborough Aerodrome. 

The funding, through the Regional Airport Program, will mean we can: 

  • upgrade communications, such as the pilot activated lighting and automated aerodrome radio alert systems
  • refurbish the helipad light tower – especially important to support our Air Ambulance services
  • deliver new concreting for the development of a refuelling facility
  • deliver new surface seals for the runway and aircraft taxiways
  • re-seal the aircraft ‘tied down area’ and structured parking allocation

These improvements are in addition to the recent upgrade of mains water supply and firefighting capability, as part of a development plan to lease more land and improve revenue to support the Aerodrome.



We’re supporting the Central Goldfields Village Business Expo, a joint initiative of the Committee for Maryborough and Village Business.

Now is the time to join in as an exhibitor or sponsor, to showcase your services and products in this unique event at Maryborough Harness Racing Club on Friday 9 May.

Over 200 businesspeople from across Central Goldfields and adjoining shires come together to connect and network, seek new business and commercial opportunities, and meet with government leaders from local, state and federal levels.

There’s also hands-on workshops, marketing, finance and legal advice, mentors and potential partnerships.

Visit: www.committeemb.com.au/business-expo


Vaping is a significant health issue, especially among our young people. Sports coaches, officials and club volunteers can make a real difference.

We’ve teamed up with Good Sports and VicHealth to help local clubs tackle the problem of vaping with a tailored, face-to-face workshop for our local sporting leaders.

It’ll give you all the key information you need to know on vaping and show you how your club can support players to be vape free.

This 45-minute workshop will be held at Maryborough Tennis Centre, 8 Lake Road on Tuesday 18 March at 6pm. It’s free to attend, but registration is essential. Light refreshments will be provided.

Visit: https://shorturl.at/hUrj2



A reminder that Council’s Customer Service Centre, VicRoads, Maryborough Regional Library, Goldfields Family Centre and our Depot/Pound will be closed on Monday 10 March for the Labour Day Long Weekend public holiday. 

Our after-hours service will operate as normal. 

Please note the Central Goldfields Visitor Information Centre will be open from 9am to 5pm, and waste services are unaffected.

Urgent issues relating to the following areas can be reported to: 

  • Council Infrastructure - 0419 005 577 
  • Animal Control - 0407 508 448


Come and collaborate on a large-scale sculpture project with artist Rowena Gough at Central Goldfields Art Gallery on Saturday 15 March. It’s a creative experience designed to interact with the architecture and cultural history of the site.

Designed for 14 to 22-year-olds the project is part of Art Together, a National Gallery of Australia program bringing contemporary artists together with a young community of creatives.

All the fun is free for the afternoon, from 1.30pm to 4pm. Bookings are essential by calling the Gallery on 5461 6600 or visiting:


Supported by the National Gallery’s Learning & Digital Patron Tim Fairfax AC. 



For career opportunities, please visit: 



Tenders currently available through Central Goldfields Shire Council are listed below.

Tender documents can be downloaded from e-Procure, accessible via Council's website: www.centralgoldfields.vic.gov.au/tenders

Open Tenders:

G1965-2025 Provision of Consultancy Services, Castlemaine – Maryborough Rail Trail Pre-Construction Project. CLOSING:12pm, 11 March 2025

G1967-2025 Stabilisation Works – Dunolly - Avoca Road, Mt Hooghly. CLOSING:12pm, 13 March 2025





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