Improvements |
Dunolly-Avoca Road, Mount Hooghly
900 metres road reconstruction
Not yet commenced
Frederick Street, Maryborough
173 metres road reconstruction
Christian Street, Maryborough
220 metres road reconstruction
Bull Street, Dunolly (between Broadway and Inkerman Street)
78 metres re-asphalting
Not yet commenced
Cobbs Road, Mt Glasgow
Unsealed road renewal
No longer proceeding this financial year due to material costs
Middle Road, Dunolly
Unsealed road renewal
No longer proceeding this financial year due to material costs |
Blacksmith Gully Road, Amherst (between Maryborough-Ballarat Road and Talbot-Avoca Road
Unsealed road renewal
No longer proceeding this financial year due to material costs
Layton Road, Maryborough
Unsealed road renewal
Not yet commenced
Mt Hooghly-Timor Road, Mount Hooghly
Unsealed road renewal
COMMENCING Monday 10 February |
Avoca Road, Talbot
Safety upgrades:
- Speed limit to be reduced from 100km/hr to 80km/hr
- Additional curve warning signage
Not yet commenced
Clarendon Street, Dundas Road and Palmerston Street, Maryborough
Safety upgrades:
- Construction of splitter island on Dundas Road
- Banning the right turn movement out of Palmerston Street
- Realignment of footpaths and road narrowing
Not yet commenced
Maryborough intersections:
High and Kars streets
Wills and Clarendon streets
Burke and Brougham streets
Burke and Hilton streets
Napier and Hilton streets
Alma and Brougham streets
Safety upgrades:
- Construction of splitter islands at the approaches to the intersection holding line
- Raising flat top road hump on the approach only to the intersection
- Alterations to the footpath
Not yet commenced
Napier and Brougham Street, Maryborough
Safety upgrades:
- Constructing a mountable roundabout and splitter islands to approaches on narrow road carriageway and create horizontal deflection through the roundabout
Not yet commenced
Burns Street and Nolan Street intersection, Maryborough
Safety upgrade:
- Construction of roundabout with raised approaches on all legs of the intersection, and zebra crossings in Burns Street (east approach) and Nolan Street (south approach)
Not yet commenced
Birch Street (Green to Powlett streets), Carisbrook
105 metres of new footpath
Alice Street (Thompson to Bull streets), Dunolly
210 metres of new footpath
COMPLETE (December 2024)
Gladstone Street (sections between Holyrood and Field streets
Upgrades to existing sections of footpath
Not yet commenced