Things to consider

Considerations need to be given to the event type, size, inclusions and any associated requirements

Bush Fire Plan

All events held within the Fire Danger Period (usually from December to May) must complete the Central Goldfields Shire Bushfire Plan

Licenced areas

If you are selling alcohol as part of your event, a temporary licence is likely required. Please visit the Victorian Commission for Racing, Gaming & Liquor.

Road Closure Communication/Notification

It is a requirement that if you are closing a road you must notify residents and businesses within the road closure area and surrounding areas, at least six weeks prior to the event.

This is to be communicated by way of a notification letter to each individual place of residence/business, advising of the changed traffic conditions and providing a map of the area and relevant event contact details.

Furthermore you will be required to advertise the road closure in the local newspapers.


All stallholders selling food must be registered under the Food Act 1984, have appropriate public liability insurance, and must submit a Statement of Trade (Streatrader) at least five days prior to the event date.

Visit Department of Health & Human Services for more information about food safety requirements.

Traffic Management Plan

If you plan to close a road for your event a traffic management plan must be developed and installed/manned by an accredited traffic management company.  You may also be required to contact VicRoads for a permit.

Council's Events team will let you know what is required.

Other permits that may be required

  • Place of Public Entertainment (PoPE) or Siting Permits - Your event may require a PoPE or Siting Permit depending on the size of the event, number of people attending or the use of a temporary structure such as a stage, marquee or tent.
  • Planning Permit - If your event is held on private land you will be required to obtain a Planning Permit, please allow plenty of time to obtain the correct permit. Council's event department will notify you if these permits are required.

Depending where your event is held there may be other permits required.

Council’s Events team will advise you of which permits you need but they could include:

  • VicRoads
  • Victoria Police
  • Parks Victoria


Other helpful information:

Sun Smart Events. If your event is planned between November and April, this information can be very valuable.