Maryborough Town Hall


The Town Hall is a valued community asset with architectural significance as a notable and largely intact example of a late nineteenth century provincial town hall, and as a major public building designed by the prominent Melbourne architect George Johnson.

The main hall and lower hall in the Maryborough Town Hall are open again for community use, following a significant electrical upgrade that ensures community safety. 

To request use of the space use the booking form(PDF, 390KB) and email it to or complete the online form below:



Terms and Conditions of use

Definition: The Maryborough Town Hall includes the whole of the building including the Lower Town Hall unless specifically stipulated.

Bond Fees: The Bond shall be held in trust by the Council until a post-event inspection is completed. The Council retains the right to deduct from the bond any costs associated with repairs or replacement of any fixtures, fittings, furniture, or part of the building damaged due to the subject event.

A Bond of $100 is required for the use of the key. This amount is totally refundable but the key must be returned on the first working day after the event. One key only will be issued to the hirer. Contractors working within the Town Hall for the event will need to gain access from the hirer. No additional keys will be issued.  The Bond will be refunded within 5 working days of the post-event inspection.

Decorations: No decorations or any other items shall be hung or attached to the internal structure of any area of the Town Hall without prior approval of Council. Decorations may be directly attached to the suspension clip in the centre of the Town Hall. String or fishing line may be tied and strung to the central suspension clip, but all traces must be removed after the event. Lighting (such as fairy lights) can be hung from the balcony.  Staple guns, nails, tape or blue tack are NOT to be used.  Ladders for placement of decorations are NOT to be leant against the walls of the Town Hall.

If using electrical leads, they must be secured to prevent trips and falls by patrons.

Set Up: The onus is on the Hirer of The Maryborough Town Hall to arrange the set up for their event.  

** Note: Trestle tables and other tables may be allowed subject to prior arrangement with Council.

Tables must be placed no closer than 1.5 metres from the fire exits to allow for adequate clearance in the case of an emergency.

Clean Up:  

  • All works surfaces are to be wiped clean
  • Chairs to be cleaned, stacked and put away
  • Tables to be cleaned and put away
  • Rubbish bagged and placed in bins provided. Bins are located in the foyer, Bins are to be placed in Neill St on footpath for collection Monday morning.
  • Linoleum floors to be swept and mopped
  • Wooden floors swept
  • Spills on polished floors should be mopped with warm water only - NOTE no detergent is to be used on polished floors.

The Hirer is responsible for ensuring the space is fit for purpose and clear of hazards prior to use and must ensure that any spills or hazards that arise during the use are cleaned and the hazard removed.  The clean-up is to take place immediately during the period of hire and after the event. The clean-up is to take place immediately during the period of hire and after the event and applies to ALL areas used with special attention paid to the kitchen, toilets and immediate areas outside the Town Hall. 

Clean up work not done by the Hirer will be undertaken by Council staff and billed at a rate of $100/hr.

Glasses: Must be supplied by the Hirer.

Supervisory Personnel: The Hirer of The Maryborough Town Hall is responsible for the supervision of the event. Supervisory personnel are to be conversant with all the Conditions of Use.

Emergency: The Hirer should be aware of the Exits and the positioning of the fire extinguishers in the case of an emergency

Piano: The piano may only be used or moved with the express permission of Council Service Staff and on the Hirer accepting responsibility for the costs involved in tuning and moving the piano.

No Smoking: The Maryborough Town Hall is a smoke free area, including outdoor areas within 10 meters of the building.

Seating Layout: The maximum number of patrons for functions in various areas within the Hall is determined by Building Regulations and is dependent upon size of area and type of use.  The building has a maximum occupancy capacity of 500 people.

  • Foyer area has a maximum of 50 people only
  • Main Hall has a maximum of 450 people
  • Balcony has a maximum of 210 people

Liquor Licence:  The Maryborough Town Hall is not a licensed premise, therefore the onus is on the Hirer to gain any appropriate liquor licences. The appropriate form can be downloaded at and must be lodged 30 days prior to the intended event.

Sale of Food & Drink: Approval is required to sell food or drink from The Maryborough Town Hall, and this includes where tickets have been sold prior to the event and may be part of the entertainment.  An application for registration of a temporary food premises is available from Customer Service Staff at the Council offices. These requirements are in accordance with the Food Act.

Candles, Smoke & Fog Machines: The use of candles, smoke or fog machines in the Maryborough Town Hall are not permitted. (However, an exception will made for candles as part of table arrangements for weddings and balls.  Please ensure that all users including entertainers are made aware of this).

Public Liability Insurance: The Hirer is required to have Public Liability Insurance to the amount of $20 million.  Proof of insurance must be submitted to Council when payment is being made.  If the Hirer does not have insurance they are able to obtain cover from the Shire at a cost of $26.  Please speak to Council about utilising Council’s insurance cover.

Inspections: The Maryborough Town Hall will be checked by Council staff before and after the event.

General: The applicant releases the Central Goldfields Shire Council, its employees, officers, agents and contractors from and will indemnify and keep indemnified the Central Goldfields Shire Council, its employees, officers, agents and contractors against all claims, actions, losses and expenses of any nature which the Central Goldfields Shire Council may suffer or incur or become liable for in respect of or arising out of any accident or damage to property or injury or death suffered by any person arising from any occurrence in or near the venue during the term if this hire resulting from the negligence of the applicant.

Nothing in this agreement is intended to or does constitute this agreement as a lease or exclusive right to possession. The applicant’s use of the venue is not exclusive, and the Central Goldfields Shire Council reserves its rights to enter the venue as is necessary or desired and to allow others to do so, as it sees fit, during the term of the hiring.