Centralised Kindergarten Registration 2025

Round one registrations are now closed.  Registrations are now being processed following the priority of access guidelines.

Round two will open on Monday 9 September 2024.

Register for kinder in 2024 and 2025 here



 Apply for Kindergarten

Step 1.Complete your kindergarten registration online 

You will be required to nominate three kindergarten preferences as part of your application. Please try to choose kindergartens that you would be happy to accept a place at. Some children are eligible for priority allocation. 

Step 2.Wait for your offer  

Once you have submitted your registration, you will receive a confirmation email. 

Step 3.Assessing period 

After the closure of round one, all registrations will be assessed and allocated. You will be emailed an offer approximately two weeks after closing date.

Step 4.Accept your offer

This offer will need to be accepted and returned - the letter of offer will detail how you need to do this. If it is not accepted the offer will expire and you may miss your spot at your preferred kindergarten.

* A waitlist will be available should you not be offered a place at your first preferred service. However, to access wait lists you must accept the current offer. 

Step 5.Complete enrolment with kindergarten   

When the kindergarten has received your accepted offer, they will get in touch with you direct to complete the enrolment process. 




2024 Key Dates

First Round

Opens Monday 3 June 2024 and closes Friday 12 July 2024.  

Registrations collected during round one will be processed after Friday 12 July, 2024 following the priority of access guidelines.

Second round

Opens Monday 9 September 2024 and remains open. 

Please note - applications received after the Friday 12 July, 2024 will be considered in the second round and will be processed in the order they are received. 


What is the central registration scheme for kindergarten?

The Central Registration process ensures all children wanting to enrol in a kindergarten program are allocated a place in one of our seven kindergartens across the Shire. 

This allocation is subject to family preferences and a priority of access criteria to ensure an equitable process. 

The Central Goldfields Shire Central Registration Policy and Procedure Document can be accessed here. 


About kindergarten

Kindergarten (sometimes called ‘state funded kindergarten’ or ‘preschool’) is two years of early education for children in the years before they start primary school.

Kindergarten gives your child important opportunities to learn, make friends and develop skills through a play-based curriculum, and helps prepare your child for their transition to primary school.

Kindergarten programs are developed and delivered by qualified degree qualified teachers in accordance with the National Early Years Learning Framework, Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework; they must abide by the National Education and Care Law and Regulations. 

In our Shire we have five standalone kindergartens that offer specific sessions times and days.

We also have two centres that provide kindergarten as part of their long day care service - this means children can access kindergarten in a long day care setting. This option also includes meals and fees may apply. 



When to start kindergarten


If your child was:  

Year eligible for 3 year old

Year eligible for 4 year old

Year eligible to attend school

Born before 30 April 2020




Born before 30 April 2021




 Born before 30 April 2022  2025  2026  2027


Information for enrolment

When enrolling your child at kindergarten you will be required to show the following documents.  

  • your child’s birth certificate or other identity documents 

  • your child's medical health and immunisation status 

  • details of any parenting orders or legal matters to do with the care or safety of your child. The kindergarten must keep your information private. 


*** Please note the above documents are not required to complete the Central Kinder Registration process. They are only required when enrolling direct with your kindergarten.  


What does it cost?

  • The Victorian State Government subsidises places for eligible children to attend two years of kindergarten. For more information, visit  www.education.vic.gov.au  



Priority of Access

Two levels of priority of access are applied through the centralised kinder registration process to ensure equity and that kinder is made accessible for our most vulnerable children.

1. Department of Education priority of access for high priority children includes:

Factor   POA
  •  Children at risk of abuse or neglect, including children in out of home care
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children
  • Asylum seeker and refugee children
  • Children who meet the criteria of Kinder Fee subsidy
 8 points 


2. Locally agreed priority of access includes:

Factor  POA 
  • Children with a sibling at the centre or attended three year old kinder at service
  • Children with a sibling at the centre or attended three year old kinder at service
  • Children who accessed Early Start Kinder or Access to Early Learning program in the previous year.
 4 points 
  •  Children who live or are cared for within 5kms of the service
 3 points     
  •  Children who live in, whose family is in the process of moving to, or are cared for in the Central Goldfields Shire.
  • Children whose parents are working, studying or volunteering in Central Goldfields
  • Children attending a childcare service in Central Goldfields
  • Children with a sibling attending school or service in Central Goldfields


 2 points



Need help?

If you need support to complete the registration process please make contact with us:

Email: Central.Registrations@cgoldshire.vic.gov.au

Phone: The Nest on 0460 816 540. 

In person: You can drop into The Nest between Monday and Friday from 10am to 12noon and 1pm to 3pm. The Nest is located opposite the Maryborough Regional Library at 91 Nolan Street, Maryborough. The Nest Facilitator will help you register and access your emails from a public computer.   


Frequently asked questions?

How do I choose the right kindergarten?  

The kindergarten that is closest to your residence is usually the best option. This ensures that the child builds a good community connection and will likely know children when transitioning into primary school. However regardless of proximity, kindergarten is a personal choice based on what each kindergarten offers within their program room and outside in the play area. It is recommended that you visit kindergartens assist you in deciding which would be more suitable for your child. 

What's the difference between session kinder and long day care kinder?

In our Shire we have five standalone kindergartens that offer specific sessions times and days.

We also have two centres that provide kindergarten as part of their long day care service - this means children can access kindergarten in a long day care setting. This option also includes meals and fees may apply. 

When does kindergarten start? 

 Kindergarten starts the same week as school terms. If there is any changes your kindergarten will notify you. You will be advised of your days and times by your kindergarten or cluster manager. Any questions around your program should be directed to them. 

What if my circumstances change? 

Changes after the closing date are subject to availability of places. If your circumstances change after you have accepted an offer, you will need to contact the Kindergarten Central Registration Officer to be advised of vacancies in your new preferred kindergarten and to explain the process. Email: centralregistrations@cgoldshire.vic.gov.au 

I have been allocated my first preference - what now? 

  •  If you have received an offer and choose to accept it, you will secure a place and be contacted by the kindergarten or early years manager to complete enrolment details. You will be provided with program information to complete and return to the kindergarten. All communication will now be with your kindergarten. For any information regarding timetables or group information please refer directly to your kindergarten’s website.  
  • If you decline your place, your kindergarten registration will become inactive. However, if your circumstances change contact us on 0460 816 540.

Can I register more than one child?  

Yes. But you need to complete a separate application for each of your children. 



Choosing A Kinder

Information about our seven local kindergartens can be found on their individual web pages. Click below to see their session days and times, and contact details.

AG Leech

Californian Gully



TL Stone

Goldfields Family Centre

Roseberry House