During an Emergency

Emergency management involves everyone – you, agencies and your community.

Managing emergencies is a shared responsibility between individuals, agencies and the community.

Role of Council

  • During a local emergency we support the emergency service agencies with resources
  • Council also has a major role in the coordination of relief and recovery services for our community
  • Preparation of the Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP)
  • When people have been displaced or can’t get to their homes, Council will open an Emergency Relief Centre (ERC) offering shelter, first aid, catering, information, personal support and emergency assistance.


Role of Emergency Services

  • Emergency management roles and responsibilities are defined in the Emergency Management Manual Victoria
  • Each type of emergency has a nominated control agency
  • Depending on the nature of the emergency a control agency such as the CFAVicSES or Victoria Police will manage the incident and define further activities.
  • Victoria Police have the responsibility of ensuring there is effective control for response to the emergency

Your Role

  • Stayed informed using the radio, Vic Emergency App, etc
  • Activate your emergency plan
  • Be decisive - if your plan is to leave, then leave early

What you can do

If you have a life-threatening emergency dial 000 (triple zero).

Keep calm and follow the advice of emergency services. If you think you may be in danger try to get to a safe place and listen or watch the local emergency broadcaster for updates.

Put your emergency plan into action.

Consider registering with the Red Cross National Registration and Inquiry System – it can help people to reconnect with family and friends, during and after emergencies.

If you can’t get back to your home or need help with food or other requirements listen or watch local emergency broadcaster to find out where council relief centres are located.