Training and New Business Supports



New and Existing Business Help

 There is several resources external to Council that may offer you assistance.

Business Victoria

Whether you are a new or start up business, relocating to Central Goldfields or expanding, Business Victoria has the right tips to help you start.  Call 13 22 15

Australian Business License Information Service

If you are unsure which permits or applications your business might need (including non-local government permits and applications), you can conduct a search on ABLIS to see what your business might need.  Call 13 22 15 or 13 28 46

Business Australia

This is a useful resource to assist with the right structure of a new or expanding business. Read their step-by-step checklists, training resources and sign up to news and events.  Visit Business Australia or call 13 28 46

Workspace Australia

Workspace provides Training and Business Enterprise Activities for the benefit of Individuals seeking employment.  Activities include:

  • Business Incubation
  • Employment
  • Training

Visit Workspace or call Workspace Bendigo 04 5444 5228

INVEST Loddon Mallee

INVEST Loddon Mallee welcomes innovation and offers local support to new businesses looking to locate in our region INVEST Loddon Mallee provides access to relevant strategic reports and regional prospectus documents highlighting strategic investments that are of interest to public and private investors.

Visit today