Forms and Fees

When a planning permit is required, you will need to prepare and submit an application form as well as the documents listed in the checklist. If you have received advice from the Planning Department, please refer to the list of documents that has been suggested for your application, instead of the standard checklists. 


Planning Permit Application Form

Fill out the below pdf form:

Planning permit application form(PDF, 988KB)

This form must be completed and included as part of any new planning application.

This form can be used for both regular or VicSmart planning applications.

Please submit your application to


Or fill out an application using this online form:




Amendment to Current Planning Application

Amendment to current planning application form(PDF, 223KB)

Use this form if you have an existing application with Council that you would like to change before Council makes its decision.

This form can be used before or after an application has been notified, but not after Council has made a determination in respect of the application.

Application for Secondary Consent

Secondary consent application form(PDF, 215KB)

This form should be completed and submitted with an application to amend endorsed plans via secondary consent.

Changes made under secondary consent must be minor in nature and must not require referral to another authority or make a material change to what the planning permit allows.

Extension of Time Application

Extension of time application form(PDF, 301KB)

An extension to the expiry date on a planning permit may be possible, when the application to do so is made within the relevant timeframes set out on the expiry condition of the planning permit.

If you are unsure if an application for an extension of time can be made, please contact the Planning Department.

Planning Information Request

Planning information request form(PDF, 567KB)

An application for planning information will allow the applicant to seek either of the following:

1.  Formal written advice on whether a planning application is, or is not, required for a proposal.

2.  A copy of a planning permit and/or endorsed plans. 

Please Note: Our archives go back a number of years. While every effort will be made to locate any planning documents relating to your property, we cannot guarantee that they will be available or that any planning documents will exist. 

Additionally, be aware that the fees for all requests for planning information are non-refundable, including in the circumstances that no planning documents are found.

Amendment to Planning Permit

Section 72 Amendment to a Planning Permit form(PDF, 327KB)

This form must be completed and included as part of an application to amend an existing planning permit. A planning permit amendment must be applied for when the following is being proposed:

  •  Major changes to endorsed plans
  •  Existing permit conditions altered and/or removed
  •  Change to what the permit allows



Application Fees

Planning and Subdivision Fee Schedule

CGSC-Planning-Fee-Schedule-2024-2025.pdf(PDF, 511KB) 

Each year, the State Government sets out the statutory fees which are to be applied identically across the state. Statutory fees are regulated under the Planning and Environment (Fees) Regulations (2016) and the Subdivision (Fees) Regulations (2016) and are GST free, except where specified. Further information is available at the Department of Transport and Planning