Planning Scheme Amendments


A planning scheme amendment introduces a change to the Central Goldfields Planning Scheme.

The Amendment Process

Council can undertake a planning scheme amendment to:

  • Rezone land

  • Apply or remove a planning overlay to land

  • Change or introduce a local policy; and/or

  • Make minor changes to a zone or overlay through a schedule to the zone or overlay

Only Council or the Minister for Planning can undertake a Planning Scheme Amendment, however other individuals, companies, or authorities can request Council (or the Minister for Planning) undertake a Planning Scheme Amendment on their behalf.

An amendment follows a statutory process which involves a number of steps. In general a planning scheme amendment will take 12-18 months from when Council commences the statutory process, until it comes into effect.

More Information

Under the Planning and Environment Act 1987, Council must follow certain procedures to make amendments to the planning scheme. You can find out more about the amendment process at Planning Scheme Amendments and Using Victoria's Planning System.

Proponent Led Amendment

Council generally initiates the process to amend the planning scheme however this process can also be initiated at the request of a private applicant or land owner. Most privately sponsored amendments relate to an individual parcel of land where the land owner is the main beneficiary.

 Council has prepared a FAQ about proponent led amendments HERE(PDF, 700KB).

More Information

Strategic Assessment Guidelines – Practice Note 46

Strategic Assessment of Amendments Requirements – Ministerial Direction 11

Amending a planning scheme – State Government Website

Making a Submission to an Amendment

During the exhibition of an amendment, affected parties may make a submission. 

Council has prepared the Submission on a Planning Scheme Amendment(PDF, 453KB) document for use.  We can email or post this out if required.

C031cgol Flood Study Amendment - Carisbrook and Dunolly

Council is working with the North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) to update existing planning controls for land in Central Goldfields Shire that is liable to flooding, to ensure they are accurate and up-to-date and identify the risk of flooding and flood damage to properties.

Since the controls were first introduced into the Central Goldfields Planning Scheme, the NCCMA has undertaken the North Central Regional Floodplain Management Strategy 2018-2028.  After the floods of 2011-2012, flood studies were conducted in Carisbrook(PDF, 20MB) and Dunolly(PDF, 24MB) in 2013 and 2014. These studies model the impact of flooding in both townships.  Both the Strategy and flood studies recommend that the planning scheme be updated to reflect the extent of flooding in the updated mapping.

The proposed changes to the flood controls in Carisbrook and Dunolly are shown in the maps below.  More specific information is available by accessing POZI and searching for your own property.  Use the menu icon to open the layers section, then go into Planning and select the box for Planning Scheme Amendment C031.  This will show the areas where the overlay is proposed to removed or added.



 The C031cgol Amendment

The full amendment documents are available online at DELWP.

Relevant documents

Site Inspections

Due to COVID restrictions, accompanied site inspections could not occur.  The panel was to visit nominated sites as shown HERE(PDF, 737KB) before the Hearing.

Where are we up to? 

This amendment has been approved and a notice of this approval has been published in the Special Government Gazette on Friday, 22 October 2021.

Planning Panel Report

The report was made public on the 20 January 2021.


Frequently Asked Questions

Council and the NCCMA have prepared a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)(PDF, 350KB) sheet about C031cgol, and two brochures for Carisbrook(PDF, 4MB) and Dunolly(PDF, 5MB).

It is likely most general questions will be answered in these documents.

Contact Information 

For any further questions regarding the amendment please contact Council's customer service on (03) 5461 0610 or email

Completed Planning Scheme Amendments

Any changes to the Central Goldfields Planning Scheme are implemented through a planning scheme amendment.

Most recent amendments:

C34cgol Amendment Summary:

The amendment deletes the ESO2 from a former abattoir site and introduces new or revised local content into the Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS), Planning Policy Framework and Schedules to zones, overlays, general provisions, and operational provisions to implement the Central Goldfields Planning Scheme Review 2020 and other adopted council strategies.

C34cgol Documents


Other amendments

C32cgol Central Goldfields 10 September 2020 - Planning Policy Framework Translation (PPF) Amendment. All of the documents associated with this amendment are available at: Planning Scheme Amendments Online

C027 Central Goldfields 6 July 2017 - Implement s48 Heritage Act 1995.

C025 Central Goldfields 13 March 2014 - The Amendment inserts Schedule 1 to Clause 44.06 Bushfire Management Overlay.

C023 Central Goldfields 28 June 2012 - Rezone California Gully Recreation Reserve to Residential 1 Zone plus EAO and approves use and development of the land for a place of assembly including worship centre and ancillary administrative centre and amends three zoning errors in the vicinity.

More Information 

You can find more information on recent amendments to the Central Goldfields Planning Scheme at:

Central Goldfields Planning Scheme