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To meet the rate cap of 2.75% for 2024–2025 Council has set a rate in the dollar of 0.3105 cents for Maryborough residential rate properties.
This figure is then multiplied by the Capital Improved Value (CIV) of each property to determine how much the property owner will pay.
An example of the general rates calculation for a residential property in Maryborough with a valuation of $300,000 would be: $300,000 × $0.003105 = $931.50 (excluding waste charges, the municipal charge and the Fire Services Property Levy)
To find out more about rates, read our How your contribution counts brochure(PDF, 7MB).
The Shire has seven differential rates as shown in the table below:
Rate type
Cents in the dollar (2024/2025)
Residential rate - Maryborough
Residential rate - other
Vacant Land – Maryborough
Commercial – Maryborough
Commercial – other
Farm Land
Please refer to the Central Goldfields Shire Revenue and Rating Plan 2021-2025 for more information