
How does the property valuation process work?

Current Victorian Government legislation requires Council to undertake a general property revaluation every year.

Valuations are based on property values at 1 January, 2023. These valuations are the basis for rates charged from 1 July, 2023. 

Additionally, a supplementary valuation may be conducted when a change to the property occurs that affects the valuation (for example, building a house or subdividing a block). The result is a revised rate assessment based on the updated valuation. 

Does Council make more money when property values go up?

No, we do not collect extra revenue as a result of the revaluation process. The total combined rates revenue remains the same.

The Victorian Government introduced a rate cap which limits the revenue councils can raise. Increased valuations may mean an individual property is rated higher, but this is offset by other rate reductions. The rate cap increase for 2023/24 was set at 3.5%. 

Who decides on the value of properties?

Valuations are carried out by professional valuers who undertake this work under contract with the Valuer General. This is a state-wide process. 

Properties are assessed according the Valuer-General Victoria Best Practice guidelines.

For more information visit

What is Capital Improved Value?

The three valuations shown on your rates notice are Site Value (SV), Capital Improved Value (CIV) and the net Annual Value (NAV).

  • SV – Site Value is the market value of the land only
  • CIV – Capital Improved Value is the total value of property as determined by Council’s valuers
  • NAV – Net Annual Value is either five per cent of the CIV or the current value of a property’s net annual rental

If you don't agree with the valuation, you can contact Council's Coordinator Rates and Revenue on 5461 0681 or 5461 0682 to discuss and try to resolve your valuation questions before lodging an objection. 


Right of Objection to Valuation 

Ratepayers have a right under Section 16 of the Valuation of Land Act 1960 to object to the valuation of property/properties on a number of specific grounds.

Objections must be lodged on the prescribed form within two months of the issue of the rate notice.

To make an objection you need to submit your objection via the rating valuation objection portal: Victorian Government Valuation Objections