Gender Equality

Our Commitment to Gender Equality

Preventing violence against women is everyone's responsibility, including all of us at Central Goldfields Shire Council - from elected representatives and senior management to all Council employees.

As representatives and providers of key services and facilities, it is our duty to lead by example and to take up a crucial role in preventing violence against women in our community.


Victorian Local Government Women's Charter

Central Goldfields Shire Council is a signatory of the Victorian Local Government Women’s Charter(PDF, 270KB), committing our organisation to the following principles:  

Gender Equity

That women and men have an equal right to be representatives in local governments, committees and decision-making positions.


The inclusion of different experiences and perspectives in local governments and community decision-making strengthens local democratic governance and helps build cohesive communities. Councils and communities encourage and welcome the participation of all women.

Active Citizenship

Local governments will work with the community to increase the numbers and participation of women in public life, so that decision-making more clearly represents and reflects the interests and demographics of communities.


Gender Equity in the Workplace 

In February 2020 we finalised our Gender Equity Statement which was a culmination of a series of internal workshops with staff and we also drew on the voices of our local young people. The Statement reads as follows and you can also download it here(PDF, 972KB).

We will create an inclusive workplace where all people are respected and have equal access to opportunities. We are dedicated to changing the behaviours and attitudes that contribute to gender inequity and gender-based violence.We will lead by example, and support our community in their efforts to ensure people are respected and safe to participate in all aspects of community life.

In March 2022, Council adopted its first Gender Equality Action Plan(PDF, 928KB)  

The Plan has been developed based on guidance from the Commission. This complements the objectives of the Gender Equality Act. These are:

  • promote, encourage and facilitate the achievement of gender equality and improvement in the status of women
  • support the identification and elimination of systemic causes of gender inequality in policy, programs and delivery of services in workplaces and communities
  • recognise that gender inequality may be compounded by other forms of disadvantage or discrimination that a person may experience on the basis of Aboriginality, age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, race, religion, sexual orientation and other attributes
  • redress disadvantage, address stigma, stereotyping, prejudice and violence, and accommodate persons of different genders by way of structural change
  • enhance economic and social participation by persons of different genders
  • further promote the right to equality set out in the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

Monitoring and reporting on the Gender Equality Action Plan is the responsibility of the Gender Equity Committee led by the General Manager Community Wellbeing, with formal progress reporting required by the Commission every two years. 

Our progress report can be found on the gender equality commission website, it is also available as a downloadable PDF from this page.